Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Blogtober 2021 :: Day 12


Photos from about the place here in town, although sadly none of the burst water main which was apparently dramatic with a reputed 125,000 litres of water per minute pumping out down the road outside the local pub. The tale may have grown in the telling of course. Usually by the time it filters through to me on a dog walk, the drama has tripled.

The biggest boy is away on a school trip at the moment, which leaves me protecting his birthday cake against all comers. It seems bad form to eat someone's special vegan best ever chocolate birthday cake while they are away. I am thinking of fitting the fridge with a warning siren.

The littlest boy has been regaling me with information about the causes of World War I. Apparently they were all asked for their strategies as if they were in charge, which has resulted in some wild ideas.

Otherwise there isn't much to report, except wall to wall work and a quick tidy of the garden before the sun set. The weather is just so perfect at the moment, I am trying to get a few things done before it is all dripping and sodden out there.

Out and about there is a surge in puppies about the place. Bertie has a new friend who is a German Shepherd who make him run and run. He tries to stop after a bit, but she is having none of it and bounces all over him in the manner of Tigger until he goes round again. He is fairly placid for a cockapoo and generally happy to potter about the place and sniff things. He is barely tolerant of puppies sometimes and has been known to lean away from them so that they can't quite reach him from the end of their leads. His new chum is brilliant though, exercising him nicely for me before he goes home for his morning sleep. Kind of like a personal trainer. 

He used to have a cocker spaniel friend who was much the same. After she moved away, he put on a load of weight very quickly because he wasn't being forced to run around like a maniac for 45 minutes every day. Now he watches his waistline and takes it as easy as he can. I am hoping his new friend whips him into shape again.


  1. Ah, not your birthday then; Happy Birthday to your eldest instead! How lovely that Bertie has a chum to run around with. I could do with a Tiggerish friend to encourage me on the days when I don't feel like going for my swim. Good luck defending the cake! xx

  2. I love how easily dogs make friends. Mine was always so happy to see other dogs and run round with them, he used to be perplexed by unfriendly ones. And its so different with cats - mine tolerate each other's existence but they'd rather have both food bowls to themselves than each other.

  3. Always good to have a personal trainer. Could do with one here really. Pretty shots of your town and the light is lovely. Good luck on protecting that cake, not sure a fridge lock will be strong enough!

  4. The colours are certainly eye catching as autumn slides in, Virginia Creepers especially beautiful. Thanks to google I've taken to freezing cake to spread the calories and ease the load of prepping food, although not sure it would be safer in the freezer!

  5. Loved today's post! Thank you for blogtober it is so much fun to tune in to your chatter each day xx

  6. I agree with Suzie's comment. I bet Bertie was happier today after yesterday. xx

  7. I love the mental image of Bertie’s boot camp!

  8. I'm really enjoying your daily photos and chat xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  9. Wonderful accomplishments. Wish my hit and miss borders looked so goo. I think my problem is that usually (for me) it is a way to get rid of left over strips so mine looks messy. Yours has a rhythm and consistency which mine never has. Will save a copy of yours as a GOOD example of what hit and miss should look like.

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