Thursday, 21 October 2021

Blogtober 2021 :: Day 21


Sorry for missing a Blogtober day, yesterday rather got away from me somehow. And thank you for your viewing recommendations, I shall check them out. 

Knitting is back out in this house now that the weather has turned a bit nippy. I'm knitting a scarf, slowly. Every single year, I get a sudden affinity with yarn around this time. Garden away, wool out. The youngest has his alpaca blanket on the bed tonight, which is made with dark grey Drops Lima with the odd narrow stripe of colour. It's nice and heavy so it squashes him down a bit, which is no bad thing.

The eldest is off on a camping trip soon. I have been annoyingly flapping around him giving him all the advice and checking his stuff. Only one jumper??? You will need a spoon. Wash your hands before you eat anything. And when you touch anything. Don't leave the charger on overnight. Or get it wet. Or charge it when it gets wet. Or eat anything that's been hanging around in the warmth. Or drink old water. Do not set the tent on fire. Your clothes may shrink if you put them in a dryer. And on and on. I actually ran out of advice earlier which is practically unheard of. I literally couldn't think of a single thing I hadn't already said. So I said some of the earlier things again, which is fine because I'm not sure he was listening properly the first time around. I have plenty of time to run through them all again before he goes in fact.


  1. I can imagine it all and I’m laughing my head off. What are we mothers like. I’m sure he will have a wonderful time and come back so grown up. Keep knitting, it’s very therapeutic when you are wondering what your offspring are up to. B x

  2. I think that is excellent advice and well worth repeating! xx

  3. You can NEVER give them too much advice. I speak as one whose husband took the girls off camping one bank holiday weekend when I was working. Luckily(!!), he had told the girls to go and play by the river (!!!) while he got dinner ready. He was using 2 camping stoves; one was lit and he was changing the gas cylinder on the other one. He dropped it and it rolled in an arc, igniting as it passed the already lit one, before setting fire to the tent. Panicking, he kicked it away and it exploded, singing off is eyebrows. Needless to say, he was never allowed to take them again! I hope I haven't worried you even more. I'm sure they will have 'responsible' adults taking care of them! Autumn and knitting definitely go together. xx

    1. Wow that's impressive. I mean really impressive. Hard to imagine how it could have been any more dramatic. Slightly lost for words :)

  4. Happy knitting. I'd guess that your eldest can't wait to actually go on his camping trip, having heeded all the advice you've given him. xx

  5. Wonderful accomplishments. Wish my hit and miss borders looked so goo. I think my problem is that usually (for me) it is a way to get rid of left over strips so mine looks messy. Yours has a rhythm and consistency which mine never has. Will save a copy of yours as a GOOD example of what hit and miss should look like.

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