Monday, 25 October 2021

Blogtober 2021 :: Day 25


Rain, shine, rain, repeat. The dog and I timed it wrong and got soaked. If he's wet when he gets home he has to run around madly and scrabble at the floor and drag his basket somewhere new and turn it inside out before collapsing in it. It takes him all morning to get his feet just right. 

I tackled the pak choi this evening, cooking it with some of the elephant garlic. I fear I may have overdone it and now the whole house smells of garlic. I threw all the windows open for a while but it rained again so I had to batten down the hatches. Most of it got eaten, although some on the basis of, 'I tried my best'. I have added all of my clothes to the laundry mountain, I can't stand the smell of onions or garlic clinging to things. I have some lovely little bay and rosemary tea lights that are scrumptious. I think I bought them when I read that rosemary aids focus. I need all the focus I can get quite frankly. So I am trying to overpower the elephant garlic and also make my brain a little zingier.

Do you have any good essential oils or candles to recommend? I don't like anything too sweet, but I love citrussy smells and lavender and pine, that sort of thing. Candles bought online can be a bit hit and miss. I like the more natural ones as well, essential oils and nice wax, you know the sort of thing. Any recommendations, let me know.


  1. I hope that rain isn't heading our way - we had glorious sunshine today, I got the doormats washed and dried and everything! :O) Well done on defeating the pak choi. I used to have a 'grass' scented candle that someone bought me that was brilliant at clearing cooking smells. I think I may need some rosemary though - I watched an episode of University Challenge this evening and barely got a single question right! Sweet Bertie, I hope he's all dried out and comfy of paw now. xx

    1. I believe University Challenge is getting harder as the years go by :) xx

    2. I don’t even understand the questions. And don’t start me on Only Connect which fries my brains although I can sometimes ‘see’ the one with the missing vowels.

  2. If you like real essential oils, I can highly recommend Penny Price Aromatherapy. As well as every oil you can think of, they also make wonderful pre-blended mixtures and will tell you exactly what the fragrance and therapeutic benefits are.
    Don't be put off by the fact the website is aimed at aromatherapists - they sell to the general public too!

    1. They look brilliant, thanks for the recommendation, I'll definitely give them a go. CJ xx

  3. Poor Bertie, nothing worse than damp paws and a bed that doesn’t feel right. I too love citrus scents and ones that have vetiver which is quite citrusy too. Oh that comment ‘ I tried my best’ takes me back. It went with the mournful look that said don’t make me eat anymore. Love garlic, improves most dinners. Never tried to grow elephant garlic. Something to rectify. B x

  4. That dog, melts my heart. Looking forward to a fine week here with intermittent creosoting! Jo x

  5. St Eval have a gorgeous natural range, they do Bay and Rosemary (same that you have been burning?). I love all their scents, Inspiritus is cosy and I love it, but I think you woud like Sensuality (as in the senses, it has ginger etc) too. xx

  6. morning cj, another chuckle was awaiting me with my morning coffee.
    oh sigh between the rain and garlic scent.
    if you wish au natural help with odours, little bowls of white vinegar and baking soda (separate bowls of course, otherwise you may get the dreaded volcano outcome) (-: the vinegar and/or baking soda absorb odours from the air. i cannot use anything that has a scent, so these are my go to goodies. good luck.

  7. Beautiful photos, I especially love the dahlias it looks like a painting.
    I buy soy candles and wax melts from The Botanical Candle Co and they are wonderful. My favourite for summer is the Orange Blossom, for this time of year I burn "Late Summer" and all year round I love "Quiescent" which has a eucalyptus and lavender base. I follow them on Instagram and you get a real good insight into the company and they way they work - lots of footage of them hand pouring the candles, it's delightful xxxx

  8. I've been given many scented candles over the years and they mostly smell awful. Probably because they are made with cheap scents, not real essential oils. I use an oil burner now with a few drops of my favourite essential oils. One I really love is Egyptian geranium but I am also fond of grapefruit with a drop of cinnamon. Black pepper is quite lovely, too. Unusual. I like playing around with my oils. No pak choi crisis here but we seem to have a glut of butternut squash... I'll roast it then we'll eat it for days. Sigh.

  9. That's a good picture of Bertie. xx

  10. Wonderful accomplishments. Wish my hit and miss borders looked so goo. I think my problem is that usually (for me) it is a way to get rid of left over strips so mine looks messy. Yours has a rhythm and consistency which mine never has. Will save a copy of yours as a GOOD example of what hit and miss should look like.

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