Monday, 4 October 2021

Blogtober 2021 :: Day 4

Okay, so not a vast array of photos, but snapshots from my day nonetheless. I made a quick foray into town for food. At the risk of starting something, where has all the soya milk gone? I am very attached to soya milk and being a creature of habit it will not go well if I have to switch to something else. Coconut isn't ethically great, I don't think I like oat milk, and almond milk is an absolute disaster for bees. Decisions, decisions. I shall give oat another go and see what I think. Of course, I could just drink water and count myself lucky. 

After I wrote about having a son thinking about uni yesterday, Dawn reminded me to teach him all the basics for independent life which I have of course completely forgotten to do. I have added 'unblock a toilet' and 'remove sick from a carpet' to her handy list, which also included budgeting which is a very good suggestion. I fear that none of the urchins will be that successful at managing their money when they are let loose with the thick end of a student loan. The biggest boy gets through a LOT of food, so he will need some economical ideas or he will simply eat his way through the whole amount.

I had a spectacularly unproductive day today. I find some days are just like that. Lots of interruptions, not much forward momentum, lack of focus, etc. etc. I did the food shopping instead, so as to do at least something useful. Back to it tomorrow, or maybe this evening. I've got lots of work on at the moment and occasionally I just hit a brick wall. 

I also made what I laughingly call 'energy bars', which are oats (healthy!) stuck together with melted dark chocolate and a bit of coconut oil with cranberries and chopped apricots and maybe the odd peanut in them. I kid myself they are an acceptable afternoon snack. They definitely have energy in them.


  1. Those energy bars are making me feel very hungry. Hope that brick wall moves for you and there is forward momentum. Biggest thing to teach sons at uni is not to drop their phones down the urinals. Don’t ask! B x

  2. I like the sound of those energy bars, yum! It's amazing how they grow up and take responsibility once they're at uni. I always panicked that my two wouldn't manage without me sorting things out for them but they did. They change so much given their independence. Daniel was always a fussy eater and I couldn't believe that he'd finally eat most things after a few months away from home. I think I must have pandered to his every whim when he was at home.

  3. Love the sound of the energy bars- a must in this unpredictable transition into winter. All sounds healthy to me! Good luck with the Uni prep, definitely start early because the resistance will be inevitable,(I can remember the groans and the rolling of the eyes!) but we mums always live in hope something will stick at least. Then in the last week I remember the hurried cramming of notebook jotting down their favourite recipes as the reality hit home! Love your blogs thank you

  4. Oh my word, those oaty fruity things sounds absolutely amazing - cranberries with dark chocolate is one of my all time favourite flavour combos. We have kiddos in the same school year, I'm going on a trip to Newcastle with my middle child to look at the uni there this weekend, it all feels a bit unreal doesn't it?
    I think unproductive days often happen for a reason, and usually there is mental or emotional energy expended even if you haven't got a lot to show for it - and that will feed into the days ahead. It's all about balance. Still thinking about the cranberries and dark choc xxxxxxx

  5. I gave all my Boys a toasted sandwich maker when they left home. Anything can go in a toasted sandwich, all the grotty bits of cheese etc. You won't starve now I said and they didn't!

  6. Glad to be of use! Basic sewing repairs and a small sewing kit are useful too. When to wash your clothes and bedding is another one - in my experience girls tend to be ok on this and boys need firm instructions! (1 daughter, twin sons).
    Easy baking is useful as is how to do a batch cook and safely store/ freeze the leftovers. Depends on what sort of accommodation they're in.
    And best tip of all is to send them off with a couple of large tins of biscuits and every thing for assorted hot drinks (especially if they're being catered for). That way people drop in and they make friends more easily - it worked for shy daughter who didn't know anyone.

  7. Good pictures. The energy bars sound delicious. xx

  8. Reading Cathy's comment made me smile - I bought both my girls a sandwich maker when they went off to uni too! Also a wok so they could stir-fry any leftover veggies. They may surprise you money-wise: my youngest especially became extremely frugal when it was her money she was spending. She actually managed to save loads of money when she was a student! Your energy bars sound delicious and I'm with you on the soya milk - I don't like my drinks to taste of coconut (unless it's an actual coconut!), ditto almond, oat milk I find too creamy, rice milk too watery, so soya it is! xx

  9. Wonderful accomplishments. Wish my hit and miss borders looked so goo. I think my problem is that usually (for me) it is a way to get rid of left over strips so mine looks messy. Yours has a rhythm and consistency which mine never has. Will save a copy of yours as a GOOD example of what hit and miss should look like.

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