Saturday, 23 October 2021

Blogtober 2021 :: Day 23


It's all feeling very autumnal now. Leaves swirling past the window and the last of the apples and pears falling from the trees. Is it my imagination or were there more insects around this year? I feel that there were, I noticed them particularly on the windowsills at the end of the summer. They will be heading for shelter soon no doubt. I accidentally served up a live caterpillar at teatime today under the home grown salad. He was released back into the wild with a tale to tell.

In other notable news, I had a good hair day. The thing with curly hair is, you never know what you're going to get. The other day it was so astonishingly bad, I've no idea what happened. Today, nice orderly curls. No-one saw it, unless you count the Amazon delivery man, because I worked all day, except for an early dog walk and a late, after-dark dog walk, so it was entirely wasted.

I am going to excuse myself now as I have been sat at the laptop typing words for hours and my brain is just about done for the day. Earlier I thought my 'Undo' button had disappeared and I yelled for the middle boy to immediately appear and fix it. It turned out that it was exactly where it always is. Of course, he was happy to get up and come over and help me, so that was all fine.


  1. Talking of caterpillars one is residing on our kitchen door. I’m guessing it’s cold out there and it is after the warmth. No problems with curls in this corner just static electricity when it’s cold and windy. Drives me mad. Glad middle son was on hand to do computer rescue. Sons are good for that. How’s your pak choi? Any tasty recipes yet? B x

  2. I would love curly hair. E has it and would rather be without; the grass is always greener etc. Lucky escape for the caterpillar .... and the recipient! Glad the 'undo' button reappeared. With me it's normally the # key that disappears. I don't use it very often but when I do it's always a hunt. Even typing it then was a drama! xx

  3. I've certainly had more than my fair share of insect bites this year.

  4. Wonderful accomplishments. Wish my hit and miss borders looked so goo. I think my problem is that usually (for me) it is a way to get rid of left over strips so mine looks messy. Yours has a rhythm and consistency which mine never has. Will save a copy of yours as a GOOD example of what hit and miss should look like.

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