Saturday 11 January 2014

SAS practice

We dragged the little people out for a walk this afternoon.  I've no idea why they feel the need to protest when we suggest it, because they always have a good time once we're there.  The middle boy is loving his SAS survival guide at the moment, so I told him he could get in some practice.  We headed up to Painswick Beacon in the Cotswolds, which is lumpy bumpy ground, perfect for SAS training.

The littlest boy insisted on carrying the rucksack with the drinks and cookies, until the cookies had been eaten anyway.

There's a stunning view from the top of the beacon.  The blue area in the middle of the picture is flooding, where the river has spilled into fields.

Sneaky SAS tracking techniques.

Back when I posted about a previous walk which resulted in blisters on little feet from walking in wellies, Sustainable Mum suggested second-hand walking boots.  I checked out Ebay and found that they are surprisingly cheap - less than £5 each.  So now they are all kitted out in some really nice and fairly new boots, and no-one complained about their feet at all.  Great tip SM, thank you.

At one stage we did actually lose the children.  They managed to circle round and end up in front of us in prime ambushing position.  It made them very happy to put one over on us.  Score one for the SAS survival guide.

I had to go and investigate these immaculate little trees.  Beech I think, and clipped to within an inch of their lives.

I'm so glad we went and made the most of the beautiful sunshine.  Days like this are precious.  Of course, I must be careful not to encourage them too far down the path of joining the SAS.  Next time I'll have to think of a new ruse.


  1. Sounds as if you all enjoyed your time out in the good weather - I too enjoyed an outing and a walk (post about it later) Isn't it wonderful to have seen a bit of blue sky today?!

    1. It really is, it was wonderful. Back to clouds and rain today, and a very dark walk by a river.

  2. Beech balls! Going to have to try that..

  3. That sounds like a very cunning ruse to get them walking. My two always protest when I suggest a walk, and I need to really sell it to them with a mission or agenda of some kind. Gorgeous views where you are - you made the most of that beautiful weather. x

  4. What a lovely walk to go on! I love the beech balls, they look like giant lollipops! xx

  5. Ha! They sure did enjoy themselves!! What an outstanding view you have! It is like a painting! Looked like the perfect romp around! And those trees! They don't even look real in their perfect shape! A lovely weekend to you friend! Nicole

  6. the sas theme sounds fun, by boy would love that, but I agree not too much encouraging is wise... for a while we could drag our two out with the ruse of geocaching, but we found all the ones withing a reasonable distance and so need to find a new trick to make them come out willingly.....

  7. Isn't lovely to get out in the sunshine. Our nearly 14 year old would complain so much when he was a couple of years younger about going out and then within minutes he would be running around and having so much fun. Though it's very rare to get him out now!
    Lisa x

  8. It's funny isn't it how they will resist the mention of a walk and then love it when they get there, not found a solution to that one yet. Over new year on a very wet day we were at friends and suggested a walk thinking we would get no takers all the children jumped at the chance, yet yesterday when the sun was shining couldn't be them out of the house.....

    Your walk looks wonderful and your pictures are gorgeous, is that some kind of old fort or earthworks I see in one of the pictures? Thank you for the mention :) glad the boots are working!

    1. I think it is an old iron age hill fort - there are a number of them along the high points in the Cotswolds.

  9. Good for you! Ours also complain and then thoroughly enjoy walks which is just as well as we've booked a cottage in the Lakes this summer. And you've reminded me - I need new boots before that as mine have death cracks across the top which makes for sudden soggy feet.

  10. What an interesting location - with all of those small hills. Looks like a terrific place for a hike and you did a great job of capturing it in pictures. Yesterday morning we went for a run and it was the first time in several weeks that I didn't have to watch for ice. Felt great to stretch the legs - activity is good for all of us!

  11. Nice post and terrific photos. Making the most of a day like that as you did is a real bonus, especially at this time of year. Flighty xx

  12. Really lovely photos! We went to the Forest of Dean yesterday - ended with tea at Taurus Crafts - you might know it? Lydney I think. We live quite near the SAS training centre! X

    1. I haven't been to Taurus Crafts, but it definitely sounds like the kind of place I should know about!

  13. This looks like a lovely walk. It's beautiful there! It's so green, in January. It must have been warm too, I spy shirt-sleeves. Although, if he's like my son, it's like pulling teeth to get him to keep his coat on. You definitely made the most of a nice day.

    1. It is really hard work to make them wear their coats, and then if they start running about I end up carrying them, as well as their jumpers too and any gloves and hats there may be. I'm like a pack animal, bringing up the rear. Probably why most of my photos are shot from behind.

  14. SAS techniques? That made me smile...
    You live in an amazing part of England, those views were absolutely breathtaking!
    I hope you have a wonderful week,

  15. What a great place for a walk. Glad there were no blisters this time, I love my walking boots, they're the comfiest things I've ever worn.

  16. Look how much fun they had out in the wilderness, testing out their skills. Love this post.

  17. That's a great place to SAS techniques, it looks a magical afternoon.
    Sarah x

  18. It was a good day to be outdoors. The 'oh, but we don't want to go for a walk' sounds so familiar - congratulations on getting your boys out and about!

  19. Looks like such a beautiful walk! Those rolling hills are magnificent! I'm glad you all had such a good time:)

  20. What a beautiful weather and a beautiful place! We sue similar ruse to have our "little" to go outdoors... But our weather is really bad for the moment...

  21. The scenery on this hike is breathtaking! Much different than any hike I've done. Looking at those rolling hills, I want to jump into one of your photos and run around in it. I'm glad you all had such a nice time. What a great tip about the hiking boots. I'll have to remember that one.

  22. What a beautiful place to walk and have a bit of fresh air - excellent idea about the walking boots too, they can be so expensive.

  23. I agree - sunny days like the two or three we've had in the last week here are very precious. I'm glad you had such a lovely walk - those views are beautiful.

  24. Wow what an absolutely beautiful place you live. My daughter is obsessed with going out. She's always hassling me to go out. I hate the cold so love to spend as much time indoors during the winter months. Sad but true.

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