Friday, 24 May 2019

On going on

Life and death in the garden. The blue tits have fledged - the top-but-one photo was one of the parents taking food to them shortly before they left. The bottom two photos are a crab spider on a rose. They like to lurk on the white flowers, blending in, waiting, waiting. The bee was quite dead. I don't like to see it, but you know, nature etc. etc. Crab spiders have babies too.

I am easing the family into vegetarianism. No-one has noticed yet. Mostly because there wasn't much meat anyway. Partly I suspect because they just shovel it in whilst wondering what's coming next. If you lag behind when you eat in this house, people start eyeing up what's on your plate.

Have you been watching the coverage of Chelsea Flower Show? I saw some of it. As usual it made the garden look a bit tatty. I was looking out at it earlier.

Me, sighing: It doesn't look much like Chelsea out there does it?

Biggest boy: No, you need to do more gardening.

Just as soon as I have more time. On the subject of time I have lots of books to read, in case of quiet summer moments waiting for cricket to kick off. There is a ridiculous amount of it at the moment. All very nice so long as the sun is shining. I have a few indie authors in the pile, including some by writers I know. All very inspiring.

I was talking to the other half about a snippet I heard on the radio the other day about when Margaret Thatcher was being pushed out. They played an interview that had been conducted with her much later, in which from memory she said that one particular colleague's betrayal had been like a knife in the heart. Apparently she had gone inside to find Dennis by the fireplace and he'd said, 'Don't go on love.' The other half suggested that maybe Dennis had been trying to read the paper and had said it more in the tone of, 'DON'T GO ON LOVE.' Anyway, Boris Johnstone or Michael Gove? Decisions, decisions. Happily none of them to be made by me. I have enough trouble deciding what to do for tea.

Wishing all an excellent and peaceful weekend, in a beautiful garden if you can find one. I shall be watching cricket and walking the dog.


  1. Dear CJ, just loved the scenety photographs of your surrounds. England is beautiful. Also your garden blooms are just delightful. What gorgeous flowers. If only I could grow blooms like that in my dry and arid garden which is so bereft of water. We will be having to restrict water very soon as our city's water levels are so low. Hope you get a lot of reading done - that pile of books looks interesting. It was sad to watch Theresa May's speech last night. What a mess the last PM walked away from and left for her to deal with when he was gone. I wonder if David Cameron knew what was to follow. I will be cooking this weekend, trying out my new slow cooker and doing lots of baking of biscuits and slices. Regards, Robyn

  2. You have pretty roses. Mine are beginning to bloom too. I saw Theresa May's farewell speech and it was sad. I'm sorry that you have political unrest there. I can relate. We have a crazy mean man in charge here who is trying to start a war with Iran to distract us from all his dirty deeds.. it's disastrous for us who care about our county. I worry about the future of this world. I think reading fiction is an excellent idea.. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  3. Not much like Chelsea here either! I've been decorating this week when I'd much rather be outside - you can guarantee that by the time I've finished the weather will have turned. Your photos are beautiful, although I feel for that poor bee! I wonder if Boris will be able to make it through the selection process without making any of his usual gaffes? :0) Enjoy the bank holiday. xx

  4. I quake at the thought of a world with Trump and Johnstone in positions of power. We have had a run of disastrous PMs but I can't help feeling that May was put there to do a job no-one else wanted to do. The only positive is that all this is showing up the inadequacies of our political system and radical positive change might come about towards more consensual decision making, and proportional representation. We need to do things better. In the meantime I will be trying to get my garden to be a bit more Chelsea.

  5. However much time you spend gardening, your garden will never be like a Chelsea garden as yours is a real garden not a contrived one.

  6. Lovely photos. Don’t get me started on Boris “we need to cut this ancient woodland down but it’s fine because we’ll just plant another one” Bloody Johnson. The man has self interest inscribed on his heart. TM may not have done a brilliant job as PM but she inherited a poisoned chalice and I doubt anyone else could have done any better. Bizarre times. Xx

  7. Your photographs show what a beautiful world is still out there, hanging on, despite all our mistakes and failings. Today more than ever before, it seems that our leaders truly hold it all in their hands, and that the decisions they make have never been more important or fateful.Its easy to slide into despair, when you take on board everything that is going on, but you have to hope that all is not lost, and that solutions can be found.
    I watched Theresa May too, and politics apart, couldn't help but feel that although treachery is sadly to be expected in that particular arena, when the knives are brandished by colleagues and supposed allies, it must be even more distressing. Whatever her policies, she did carry herself like a stateswoman, (unlike many), with grace and courtesy, on the international stage. I believe that she did do what she felt was right for the country, to the best of her ability, but that this was a pretty impossible mission, trying to please everyone, without compromise, right from the start. Contrasting with the smug, tight, faces of the others who were interviewed that morning, only too willing to justify their desertion, and then coyly admit that yes, they were going to run for the position, made me sad. I'll be interested to see just how quickly and easily they do sort out this whole Brexit crisis.
    In the meantime, I will surround myself with as much hope, and gratitude for what I have at this moment, and appreciate the good things, and the beauty, that can still be found when you look for it. And trust that our little lives, of the not so great and famous, when they are viewed together as a whole, and shared between us, will be the things that pull us through.

    1. I do so agree with you Linda in what you say about TM. She did carry herself like a Stateswoman.

  8. I’m so glad your blue tits fledged ok. It’s a worrying time for birds. Our little cat has been under house arrest for the past few days as there is a young blackbird in our garden which I’m terrified she might catch! Still at least it takes our minds off the political goings on.

  9. The garden is a jungle where survival of the fittest seems to be the order of the day... ours is out of control. I have been trying to sneak more vegetarian cuisine without much success. As I type, the smell of frying bacon is reaching my nose.... am in search of a new book to read, I am not good with decisions, let me know if one on your pile is really really enjoyable. The tragedy that is English politics, eh? Whoever follows TM, the outcome is likely to be bleak. Scottish independence seems more tempting by the day. Notwithstanding, have a lovely week xx

  10. Change is everywhere whether it is politics or in the garden. I have not watched the show but can guarantee you that my little scrub of a garden behind my pool is not looking nice at all. Ah well, it looks nice for about a week after you plant things then all you get are weeds and plants dying in the heat. Boy I am sounding so depressing!

  11. Great photos and lots to think about in your post, there's always something happening in politics. My garden is definitely in need of weeding and pruning. It's going to have to wait though, as we've been camping and need to tidy away, catch up on washing and cleaning the caravan before parking it back on the hardstand until next year. Cathy x
