Friday, 10 May 2019

Birds and angels

A quick photo of one of the blue tits, heading into the nest with something tasty. I didn't linger too long, I like to leave them as undisturbed as possible. It makes me happy that they have peace and quiet almost all of the time - just the odd bit of noise when the urchins are about, but even they are pretty good at staying clear of the end of the garden where the nestbox is.

I love watching them flitting about, still working so hard to feed their chicks. Good for the soul amongst all the difficulty the planet is facing. It's easy to be despondent I think, when the mass consumerism and constant growth and ridiculous innovations are never-ending. All we can do is our own little bit. I was talking to a friend earlier and was very inspired by her positive attitude and the small changes she is making. I am going to try harder to make better choices.

Also in the garden, a wisteria I planted maybe four years ago when it was only tiny is doing brilliantly, flowering like mad, and making the back of the house look pretty. I bought another tiny one last year, which is either pale pink or dark/brighter pink. I remember dithering over which to buy, honestly I am absolutely terrible at making decisions, and I thought about it for days, switching from one to the other in my mind. And now I can't recall which I plumped for, but I am very much hoping I went with pale pink. Only time will tell, it's far too small to flower at the moment.

The cricket season is here in full force now so that will keep most of us busy for the next few week. There are also exams for some. I'm already a bit anxious about next year's GCSEs, but that's a problem for another day.

I am enjoying reading at the moment. A few moments of escape every day. There's never quite enough time, but maybe that makes it all the nicer. I've been pottering around the garden, appreciating all the greenness. I've rigged up a bit of a frame around the bed with the tomatoes in it in the hopes of keeping the dog out, although of course he may think that all the sticks and string are some sort of exciting game just for him.

The third item on my to-do list reads 'Find Guardian Angel'. It's actually a lost library book, but I'm thinking it could be a life instruction as well. Or maybe they just find you.

Wishing all a lovely weekend of outsideyness and greenery.


  1. Enjoy your blog very much and the photos are always beautiful! Kathy in Chicago, IL USA

  2. I was driving along listening to a Radio programme about Guardian Angels and set my mind to 'see' my guardian angel (this was about 15 years ago) - the image of a tattoo covered, be-ringed-be-pierced biker called Robert instantly came to mind - strange - I really was expecting a white being with wings. Anyway - I call upon Robert whenever I'm in a fix on the roads - he seems to help! And the goddess Asphalta always finds me a parking space.

  3. Lovely post and pictures, especially the first one. Lucky you having nesting blue tits. Definitely good for the soul. It's always good to be enjoying reading, even just for a short period at a time.
    Thanks, and for you too. xx

  4. Don't dwell om the gloom. There have been gloom-mongers since time immemorial. It might help if nre houses were actually designed with hardens instead of parking areas,

  5. I'm sure you already have a guardian angel CJ. Think of all the times you've tripped over something and not broken yourself :o) Poppy's guardian angel is exhausted, poor woman, she's forever delivering her from scrapes. Love that photo of the blue tit. Ours are so busy feeding at the moment- I counted the other day and they were in and out with caterpillars from next door's oak every 30 seconds. I've hung a coconut half with suet up and now they grab that for the children xx

  6. Lovely photos CJ, I'm with you on the dithering. I can never make a decision. All the best with finding the library book. Enjoy the weekend. Cathy x

  7. Glad you are having a few moments of downtime to enjoy a good book. Lots to love in your photos. Lots of nesting and busy bird activity here too. Everything is looking so lush and green. Enjoy your weekend and hopefully the book will appear by itself. B x

  8. Beautiful photos - I love the blue tit. Your tomatoes are looking so much better than mine; mine are rather puny. Our wisteria was relatively poor this year too. I think I need to feed it more. Good luck finding your guardian angel! xx

  9. If you find a real guardian angle please fill me in on how to find mine. I think you are a guardian angel to many my friend, and that includes the environment and to all of us too!

  10. I'd be very interested to hear where the guardian angel is hiding. I wanted to put a bird box up this year but I couldn't decide which one to get on the RSBP website... I missed the opportunity of course. The smallest decisions are the most difficult ones I find. Keeping my fingers crossed that your new wisteria is pink. I hope cricket season will bring some pitch side reading opportunities xx

  11. What wonderful photos you shared! You have an artist's eye. Enjoy your lovely countryside. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  12. Wonderful accomplishments. Wish my hit and miss borders looked so goo. I think my problem is that usually (for me) it is a way to get rid of left over strips so mine looks messy. Yours has a rhythm and consistency which mine never has. Will save a copy of yours as a GOOD example of what hit and miss should look like.

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