Sunday, 11 April 2021

Into the light


More over-exposed photos from my camera, really must get that sorted. Although at the moment I am focusing on trying to get someone to fix my old laptop that I use as a second screen. It just needs a new cable putting in between the screen and the keyboard bit, but the local shop quoted me a ludicrous amount that involved ordering things from America and waiting for weeks and paying import tax and all sorts of ridiculousness. The he tried to sell me a new laptop. The piece I need is £3.50 on ebay. 

I also had a bit of trouble with quotes for new fencing. £1,600 for collecting a dozen new panels and dropping them into the pre-existing concrete uprights. I don't mind paying a reasonable sum for having a job well done, but given that the panels themselves cost less than £30 each, it seemed excessive. So I haven't tackled the camera thing yet. Plus, where would I go? 

I booked to take my eldest, the birdwatcher, to the wetlands place, then it was cancelled, and I booked to the take the youngest to a skatepark and that was cancelled too. Not complaining at all, but it was very exciting to write things on the calendar. Now we are back down to 'Worm Dog' and 'Check Miso - 6 Months'. (I made some homemade miso a while back, which needs to ferment for half a year). 

The barbers open tomorrow, but they are not operating a booking system so it will be queues the length of the high street I imagine. There is a serious amount of hair in this house, people are receiving comments. Not me, I did my own. And hopefully it will have grown back out in a year or so.

There is a serious cat problem in the back garden at the moment. With a missing fence panel at the back, it is a cat free-for-all. I had no idea there were so many. Bert is incensed. More so as he is not allowed out because of the missing fence panel and the risk that he would spot a cat and that's the last we'd see of him. 

Football has started up again, which is good, although I'd forgotten how long a match is and how cold it can be standing there watching. I think I have become soft over lockdown. All that nice warm inside time. 

News from your end? xx


  1. I’m smiling and commiserating at the same time. I know what you mean about being ripped off especially at the moment. £3:50 sounds the perfect price for the cable. Sadly so many people would have succumbed to a new laptop. Hope the cats behave themselves until you get your fence sorted, you’ll have to send Bertie out on patrol. Good luck with the haircuts, queuing doesn’t sound a good plan. I dare say you’ll be up early to beat the crush. Hope life improves a little from tomorrow. B x

  2. Ouch, that price does seem extortionate. I imagine that there might be a fair bit of that once things open up again and people try to make up for lost income during lockdown. I sympathise about the cats too - we have mostly hedges and shrubs between the gardens, so it's a moggy free for all out there! Ooh, homemade miso, I'm very impressed. Not sure that I have the patience though. Great excitement here as I get to start swimming again this week. Not having been since early December, I imagine the first few sessions will be a bit of an effort. Can't wait though. :O) Good luck with the queuing. xx

  3. i sent Little Buddy out for his first professional haircut in over a year. I sent him with my husband because I did not want to hear what a bad job I did on it all these months. They wore masks. They have been open a long time, I just didn't want him out there getting ex[posed anymore than he needs to, even with a mask on. Stay safe my friend.

  4. I feel your pain about the fence! Because our local council neglected their hedge for many years (despite protests from me) we had to have close boarded as the trees are too close to be able to drop panels in.£1500 for the equivalent of 6 panels. Ouch. Have you tried stretching plastic mesh across the gap? It kept our next door dog out while we were waiting for a fence. Might work on cats.

  5. Why is it that people seem to think they can charge extortionate prices for the simplest of jobs?! Makes me cross!!
    Like you we have little of excitement on the calendar - unless you count getting a Covid jab as exciting. ��
    Elder son does get to go back to work this week though after being furloughed since Christmas (the 3rd time) and as you say football has begun. Not looking forward to the wet & smelly kit again but at least my 2 are old enough that I don't have to watch!
    Hubby still jobless but has managed to get a bit of consultancy work. Sadly not enough to pay the bills long term but it's better than nothing & at least he's no longer bored. ��
    Assuming no reaction to Covid jab I'll be down your way on Friday as we're coming to Jekka's open day to buy herbs for our new planters. Will be so nice to leave home!
    Hope you get the fence sorted before Bert makes a bid for freedom & haircuts are not too stressful! Take care. x

  6. The photos all look fine to me. I sympathise about your computer and fence problems, and hope you get both sorted out at reasonable cost.
    I need to go to the barbers but will leave it a couple of weeks then hopefully book an appointment. Let's hope that we get warmer weather soon.
    I'm carrying on as usual. Take care. xx

  7. Ebay is good for cables, £3.50 sounds just about right. Go for it! I bought the wrong cable of Amazon the other day. It was so cheap I can't be bothered returning it. Sadly, it is not for computers or I would send it your way. I got a quote from the vet to have the cats teeth cleaned. We were told it is essential for her health. At £350 is 10 times more than I would pay for a dental hygienist visit myself... but I guess I don't need to be anaesthetised (although this might be preferable, the dental hygienist is a secret sadist). Your photos look just fine. Have a good week, it is end of lockdown where you are so maybe a few exciting dates for your diary soon. Cxx

  8. thanks for the photos and your post, good way to start my day with coffee in hand. chuckles and sympathy all the way around. (-:

  9. Wow, your local fence man is onto a good game, isn't he? That's about 3 times what my brother in law would charge (day rate - £200 - yes, I am shamelessly plugging him).
    We have a small gap in our fence that we had to have cut in because Chonky Thor couldn't get enough thrust to get back over it from the outside (I know, I know). This means a mean old tabby tom has taken to coming in and bullying Mabel. We're getting to be quite good shots with the old water pistol as a result. Who knew working from home could be filled with such drama.
    Keep yourself warm out there. Txx

  10. I put off getting jobs done because I fear being overcharged. I have a gutter that needs attention but I just keep praying for dry spells instead. I laughed at 'worm dog'. Worm cat, is literally the only thing on our calendar right now.

  11. You sure did capture some wonderful flower and bud images! We have lilacs ready to bloom and a peony, too. Spring sure brings a lot of elevated moods! I hope you get your fence fixed soon so good 'ol Bertie can enjoy the yard. I wish we had a fenced area for our Mocha but she only gets outside on leash. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  12. Lovely photos, I like your sense of humour. That quote for fence panels is outrageous. I'm having laptop problems but I'm reluctant to get a new one because I can't remember passwords and am concerned that I won't be able to access my blog and other stuff!

  13. Ah yes, haircuts - can't wait! I have mine booked for next week. In a moment of despair a few weeks ago, I started chopping at mine, then panicked and thought I had better stop. I'm hoping the hairdresser won't notice!

  14. What a lot on your plate and none of it particularly enjoyable. I know the feeling! How about adding read book, visit library, eat chocolate, plant seeds, or whatever will give you pleasure? I forget how important it is sometimes to have something nice to look forward to! Love your blog!

  15. I think the cats would get in regardless of the lack of fence. They are a real nuisance in our garden. Fortunately we have all had a visit from the hairdresser.

  16. How much??? I'm sure contractors and workmen pull figures out of thin air sometimes. Shop around, I'm sure there'll be someone willing to do it for much less. Mick went to the barbers the day they reopened, he couldn't wait a day longer. I still haven't booked an appointment, it's on the 'to do' list.

  17. Hi CJ, I ended up with three appointments tonight after an empty calendar for a year! Haircut, online parents evening and our first dance class outdoors. Typical. I did hair and dance and hubby did kids tea and parents evening. Have a good week. X

  18. Be careful here, nobody can help you here or even suggest how you can get your ex or love back, any testimonies of most spell caster here must be ignored. Because most of them are scams, I mean real scam which I was a victim of and I got ripped off thousands of dollars because I was so anxious to get my Husband back after he left me for over 3 years with my 6 years old son Danny and 4 years old girl Betty. I have applied to 3 different spell caster here and all to no avail. They all ask for the same thing: send your name, your ex name address and picture phone number etc which I did over and over again and most of them were from west Africa until I saw a post about Dr. Yeye Osun and I decided to give her my last trial. Long story short, myself and my Husband are Back together for good now and we’re living fine and happy together again, if you’re passing through this in your relationship/marriage seek no further, as Dr. Yeye Osun is the solution contact her now: or visit:

  19. Be careful here, nobody can help you here or even suggest how you can get your ex or love back, any testimonies of most spell caster here must be ignored. Because most of them are scams, I mean real scam which I was a victim of and I got ripped off thousands of dollars because I was so anxious to get my Husband back after he left me for over 3 years with my 6 years old son Danny and 4 years old girl Betty. I have applied to 3 different spell caster here and all to no avail. They all ask for the same thing: send your name, your ex name address and picture phone number etc which I did over and over again and most of them were from west Africa until I saw a post about Dr. Yeye Osun and I decided to give her my last trial. Long story short, myself and my Husband are Back together for good now and we’re living fine and happy together again, if you’re passing through this in your relationship/marriage seek no further, as Dr. Yeye Osun is the solution contact her now: or visit:

  20. Wonderful accomplishments. Wish my hit and miss borders looked so goo. I think my problem is that usually (for me) it is a way to get rid of left over strips so mine looks messy. Yours has a rhythm and consistency which mine never has. Will save a copy of yours as a GOOD example of what hit and miss should look like.

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