Goodness me, urchins are expensive to run, aren't they? I am reeling from all the uniform-buying, the days out, the ice-creams, the odd little things they persuade me to buy (so many!) and the shoes, oh the shoes! What on earth did I used to do with all my money? I like to think I'm fairly thrifty, but it's a battle a lot of the time.
Anyway, above are more photos from beautiful Wales, mostly to calm me down. There was less shoe-buying there.
I asked the older two to rate my parenting today, after I felt some criticism pointed in my direction after failing to adequately chastise the littlest boy for some misdemeanor or other. In my defence, the older two have so effectively worn me down over the years that I have nothing left. The scale was 1-10, where 1 was absolutely shocking parental failure on all fronts and 10 was all-round excellence. The biggest boy felt that I was a solid 4, with the middle one giving me a 5, or possibly even a 6. I shall wait until I have done something especially indulgent to ask the littlest boy, when I shall be confident of a 10.
A picnic is planned here tomorrow, what with the weather being set unusually fair for a bank holiday. All those wet ones make the sunny ones more lovely. Although a wet bank holiday has its own charms I think. A trip to the bookshop is also planned, which is pretty much my happy place. The littlest boy has a book token to spend, given to him after he did a kind thing for a friend. He is not one for making quick decisions (hence one hour and forty minutes spent in the trainer shop yesterday - me and the middle boy gave up and sat slumped on the seat waiting for the end of days) so it should be a long visit. It will be my reward for the trainer shop horror. Hoping you have a happy thing planned too. CJ xx
4 and 5 seem a little harsh. I'm sure you deserve 10!
ReplyDeleteYou are brave to ask your kids to rate your parenting. I would be scared to find out. LOL! Just by getting to know you on your blog I'd give you a 10. One thing to remember is kids always take their bounty for granted and always think other kids have it better. The kids who seem to be most thankful are the ones who have the least.. which is sad. We're just hanging out today and watching weird movies on tv and resting up from a too busy week. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
ReplyDeleteI think you deserve a minimum of an 8. I would be rated quite poorly, maybe a 2 or a 3, although my oldest might rate me a 7. He got free food and beer when visiting us today for a BBQ.... Tomorrow might be better. Trainer shops are hellish, aren't they? I am not one for faffing about but James can easily spend an afternoon going from one trainer shop to the next and inspect each and every trainer quite carefully... happy book shopping! Book shops are good for the soul. It is a normal working day in Scotland tomorrow, how disappointing. xx
ReplyDeleteI agree with Teresa - I'm not sure I would be brave enough to ask! I think you were marked too harshly as well. New Look used to be the shop of doom for me. I used to sit slumped (often with L) waiting for E to try on every item the shop owned. Give me a book shop any day. Possible kayaking here tomorrow if we can be bothered to inflate the thing; otherwise just more pottering in the garden. Enjoy your book shop. xx
ReplyDeleteDear CJ - definitely a harsh rating. What do they know about parenting, apart from being on the other end of it? I would wait until they are old enough to have kids of their own before you ask that question. It is surprising how you grow in your children's estimation when they have their own children. They understand...... Years ago, I hated the prices we had to pay for kid's shoes. It didn't take long for black school shoes to look scuffed and devoid of colour at the front, as they were worn in. They did look like street urchins had worn them until a bit of black shoe polish coated them again. The photos of Wales are beautiful and Bertie looks as though he had an enjoyable time with you whilst holidaying. Hope you have a happy bank holiday picnic. It's raining here. Haven't seen rain for months. All it has done is bind all of the dust together. I don't think it has gone into the soil at any depth. Regards, Robyn
ReplyDeleteChildren's shoes are exorbitant, given how frequently parents have to buy new ones to accommodate growing feet. I also think that was some harsh scoring, it should definitely have been ten. Did you also ask Bert? I so enjoyed your photos, especially that beautiful river. Have fun in the bookshop- one of my fave places too xx
ReplyDeleteGood pictures. I would have been much more generous in my rating. Hope you have a good picnic. It's too warm for me so I'll be spending the afternoon sofa flying reading a good book. xx
ReplyDeleteOh definitely a 10 I think! I thought of you the other night when I watched a lovely programme with Kate Humble in different parts of Wales. It’s on iPlayer I think. Lots of lovely views of welsh countryside. Good luck with the book shop; hope you get lots of perusing time :)
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure who the house in the first photo belongs to, but it's darling!
ReplyDeleteTell them that you get to rate their offspring skills next.
ReplyDeleteOh....this made me laugh out loud, you should publish this elsewhere and get paid for it! My daughter is beginning to appreciate me now she has a baby....I keep telling her it's karma, and that kids are for life! Lovely photos. Really enjoyed this!xxx
ReplyDeleteA picnic is definitely worth a 10 on the parenting scale!
ReplyDeleteWonderful accomplishments. Wish my hit and miss borders looked so goo. I think my problem is that usually (for me) it is a way to get rid of left over strips so mine looks messy. Yours has a rhythm and consistency which mine never has. Will save a copy of yours as a GOOD example of what hit and miss should look like.
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