Sunday, 7 July 2019

Luck, pushed

Here's a funny thing. I was just yesterday admiring my right foot which, after about two years of having pain and not be able to point nicely, was almost healed and had achieved almost balletic pointiness. Look, I said, It's almost back to normal! Oh how fate laughed.

After lunch today I was coming in from the garden and one foot got stuck on the step and somehow both feet stayed where they were and the rest of me kept on coming indoors at quite a speed (I am always in a hurry). There was a godalmighty crash I can tell you. As I got up and hobbled across the kitchen I turned back and caught sight of the dog standing at the doorway, looking at me in complete and utter mystification.

Anyway, the upshot of it is, my foot has all gone wrong again, top and bottom, and IT HURTS. You may not know that Christina and I are locked in battle for the title of Clumsiest Blogger. I feel I am edging ahead.

I have a little finger that has had a swollen joint for about two months after I rammed it into a door jamb overdoing fake surprise after someone came through the door and made me jump. I have an arm that I pulled cutting the hedge at an awkward angle at the instruction of a difficult neighbour - incidentally I cut through the cable with the hedge trimmer very early on in the operation so the hedge is still untrimmed. I have a foot that was painful and rather crushed after the dog and I lunged for a fallen tea towel at the same moment one morning and I miscalculated and rammed my foot really hard into the dishwasher. And now this.

I pride myself on being a tough old bird. Mostly when I fall over the damage is minimal. Of course I probably shouldn't be saying this... It's a good job I'm not flimsy, otherwise I'd be constantly in plaster. As it is, I have Amazon hot-footing a compression bandage to me. I can't be sitting around with my foot on a cushion, I have a dog to walk you know.

Otherwise it's been a rather lovely weekend. I've barely left town, except to go to the cricket club. I have been floating around enjoying the summer and doing a few chores. The children have been surprisingly low maintenance. In the garden the sweet peas are lovely, after spending about four weeks skulking around at the bottom of the canes doing nothing. There is a bumper crop of fruit everywhere, including more cherries than I've ever seen on the big tree at the bottom of the garden. They are oh so tempting, but a long way up. It would require a ladder. Would that be pushing my luck..?


  1. I am pretty clumsy myself but I tend to have all sorts of bruises on my legs I can never account for. Little B is always falling and has bruises on his arms from his crutches, I fear someday someone will see them and report me for some sort of abuse. Hope your foot and everything else heals up quickly.

  2. How about sending 3 young men up to pick the cherries? I think you should probably stay on terra firma for a while. Sorry for the foot pain. I'm having a case of plantar's fasciitis in my left foot, so I can relate. I sure do wish I could hear those bagpipers.. I adore them and their sound and their kilts! Enjoy Summer.. it is so fleeting. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  3. Stay away from the ladder, CJ! Poor you; it all looks very comical written down but I bet it's a real pain (all puns intended!). A few days sitting around with your foot raised on a cushion sounds as if it could be rather fun. You could direct operations from a sedentary position and people can keep you supplied with cups of tea whilst you sit (a martyr to your foot) knitting whilst watching Wimbledon. Have fun with your compression bandage - I hope the weather cools a little for you! xx

  4. Ooh I feel your pain. I agree it’s never worth voicing pleasure at your recovery, something is always in the wings waiting to trip you up. Hope this time the recovery is speedy.
    I’m in love with the colour of your sweet peas. Mine are out but nowhere near as beautiful. Have an accident free week. B x

  5. Dear C J, first of all I'm sorry to hear of all your troubles, despite having a little giggle reading about them. When I read about you sitting down with your foot supported by a cushion I imagined that the next thing I would read was that your family had rallied around and were doing the housework for you whilst you were out of action. But no. Sorry........ As for the ladder and cherries.......... I think it would be easier if you just got someone to buy you some cherries. I must tell you a funny story although it wasn't funny when it happened about 3 months ago. I was out walking to help keep fit. On the side of the road someone had put out three fold up garden chairs which I thought I would like to take home as mine were showing their age. I didn't realise there was a green clothes line on the grass which I got my foot caught in as I went to step back. There was nothing I could do to stop myself from falling backwards onto the concrete footpath. As I dropped like a stone, all I could do was think of my spine which has recently had 3 major operations and bone grafts to repair my arthritic bones. I was also worried I would hit my head on the concrete and do considerable damage. My spine survived the concrete path and my head hit the grass on the other side. The damage was a broken coccyx which prevented me from sitting down without a special cushion with a hole in the centre which I had to use for almost 2 months. My spine had survived. I was determined to take two of those chairs with me as I skulked home hoping that nobody who I knew had seen me do such a stupid thing. I felt so foolish until the pain kicked in. I do hope you recover from your pain very soon. Regards, Robyn

  6. I hope that you recover fully without adding to the list.
    Good pictures, the dog in the AA sidecar made me smile. It's been a good year for sweet peas and cherries. As for the ladder...don't even think about it! Take care. xx

  7. Ah! England always looks so interesting! Bagpipes and old cars - one for me and the other for my hubby. Alas, here in South Africa all the nice English customs are being thrown out of the door and Africa is in full swing. Unfortunately not everyone's cup of tea. And along with that, English is my second language with Afrikaans my mother tongue. We are fast losing our Afrikaans speaking schools and are becoming more English than many believed would happen. Not British though, more an African universal language resembling English. For me, I must have streams of English blood in me because England keeps being the most beautiful country for me and the language my absolute favourite. And then of course you blog people spoil us with the cream of photos and news. Thank you very much!
    Hope you recover quickly from all you mishaps, it's summer after all and one wants to be mobile!
    Regards, Namari

  8. Well that's rough luck. I do hope you heal up faster than the last time!
    Happy Summer!

  9. God love you, you poor thing! I hope all heals as quickly as possible. I'm a bit like you, something is always cut, bruised or aching!Love your pictures, especially the dog in the sidecar!xxx

  10. Oh dear. I suddenly thought I could move my arm normally this week after almost a year of what I think was a stretched tendon through lugging heavy watering cans all last summer. I hope I too am not tempting fate.

  11. Oh dear. I feel I should have those words on speed dial, dear CJ :o). No sweet peas at all here. They are not skulking at the bottom of their pot but they don't have any flowers at all :o(. Can you get one of those litter pickers with extendable arms to reach the cherries? Or send the boys up. I used to get L to climb the ladder to pick apples for me xx

  12. I hope you are not in too much pain now, yours sounds like a nasty accident. Stay clear of that ladder for the time being. My great uncle in Italy climbed up a massive fig tree on a flimsy ladder and was never quite the same after his fall. Best to buy cherries I should think. You are definitely edging ahead here CJ. My latest misadventure unfortunately is not suitable for the general public and won't count (it is a bit embarrassing). Your summer sounds lovely, floating around and enjoying yourself is just perfect. Low maintenance children are appreciated here, too. I just noticed that mine are still reading (it is nearly 11 pm) but time flows differently during the holidays. Have a wonderful (accident free) weekend xx

  13. Wonderful accomplishments. Wish my hit and miss borders looked so goo. I think my problem is that usually (for me) it is a way to get rid of left over strips so mine looks messy. Yours has a rhythm and consistency which mine never has. Will save a copy of yours as a GOOD example of what hit and miss should look like.

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