Sunday, 16 February 2020

How to manifest tasty things

My pile of Books To Be Read is pleasingly blue at the moment, although I'm not sure about All The Light We Cannot See. Someone recommended it, but I just haven't got round to reading it and I have the feeling that its moment may have passed.

The dog and I have been dashing out and about between showers, and occasionally in showers. There's nothing quite as scrumptious as coming in and drying your paws in a patch of sunshine afterwards.

In the garden, there's a camellia in bloom and as of today, frogspawn (and many frogs) in the pond. In fact the water level in the pond is at a maximum level and the stream where we walk in the morning has flooded.

I discovered the mystery of the Knight course - it was in fact an investigative journalism course that I thought would be useful because a character in the book I'm writing is going to train as one. The course is run by the Knight Foundation. Obviously it would have made more sense if I'd written 'Investigative journalism course' in my diary, but I would have lost the element of surprise as I sat down on Monday morning to find out exactly what I'd signed up to.

The dog has been practising the law of attraction with astonishing success. The littlest boy made a gigantic fat ball for the birds at Scouts. We hung it in the peach tree and the dog proceeded to sit underneath it staring at it. He kept at it regularly, going out there day after day, concentrating on vibrating at the same frequency and picturing his life with the fat ball in it. And do you know, it worked. One day, a giant chunk of it just fell down. Oh the dog was thrilled. It just goes to show the best things in life are worth working for. Although to be honest, I think it wasn't quite as tasty as he'd been imagining. It was basically a vast amount of lard with sunflower seeds stuck in it. He ploughed through as much of it as he could though, and kept up with the repeated staring, and gradually, piece by piece, the whole thing fell down.

And if you think that's amazing, wait until you hear about the squirrel. Bert and his little chum were strolling along by the stream one morning, shooting the breeze, when there was an enormous crack and a whole branch fell down, right in front of them. This was before the storms rolled in, so nothing to do with the weather or anything. We were all astonished, but it was NOTHING compared to the surprise when we realised there was a squirrel on the branch. Picture us stood there, dogs and their people, momentarily frozen, as the squirrel picked himself up, dusted himself down, swore lightly then raced off towards the closest tree. Honestly, it was at least four seconds before anyone moved. Then, it was all quite chaotic for a moment. The squirrel made it to the tree though, so all was well.

So there you have it. If you try hard enough, persevere and really focus, you too could make squirrels actually fall out of trees and land at your feet. Do it!


  1. I'll have a go though I'm not holding out much hope, Bert is definitely the one with the power. I really enjoyed Little Fires Everywhere. Frogspawn, fancy that! x

  2. I really enjoyed 'The Colour of Bee Larkham's Murder'. I wonder if there is a Law of Repulsion as well - The squirrels are a menace on the bird feeders around here, so maybe if I stare at them for long enough they will disappear! Good news about the frogs - R bought me a 'Frogillo' for Valentine's Day so you could send a few my way :0). Slightly disappointed about the Knight Course to be honest; the thought of you learning to joust was much more appealing! xx

    1. I had to Google Frogillo - brilliant! I put all the terracotta pots that the boys break near the pond for a similar, less stylish effect. But a Frogillo is on my wishlist now, not least for the pleasure of dropping the word Frogillo casually into conversations. CJ xx

  3. I'm not sure what Ziggy would love more - a squirrel landing in front of him or something edible. Both probably.

  4. Poor squirrel; bet that was a shock. I can imagine you standing there. Wizard believes in sitting in a similar way in front of an unlit fire. I guess he’s willing it to burst into flames...sometimes he’s lucky ;). Tell Bert I love his new haircut. Bet he needs the puddle of sunshine to warm up after those walks. No puddles of sunshine here, just puddles. Well done on the frogspawn. B x

  5. Please give All the Light You Cannot See a try! It was my absolute favorite the year it came out - and I worked in a library and read a lot of books!! I am glad that Bert loves the sun so much. My cats would give him a serious stare-down to make him move over for them. And one of them sits and stares up at the tree where the squirrels live in the back yard. She has visions of climbing up and getting one, but she is way too fat.

    1. I have to second your endorsement of All the Light You Cannot See. It completely captivated me.

    2. I agree. The book was great. Set in a different area of France during the war. I love to get on Google Earth and see just where stories took place. Lends an air of realism to the story. it was a real place and people and events probably took place there.

  6. That Bertie sure is living the dream! Fat balls from the sky and a squirrel delivered to his feet. I'm glad the dogs didn't catch him! My reading has hit a snag after I got one off the best seller list that bored me to tears. Don't bother with "The Trouble With Goats and Sheep". But I got a new one by Peter May - "Entry Island" and I know it will be good. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  7. Lovely post and pictures, I like that last one of of Bert. His antics with the fat ball and the squirrel had me laughing. xx

  8. The power of perseverance ! Well done Bertie. I'm glad the mystery Knight course was cleared up :)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I recently finished Little Fires Everywhere and really enjoyed it. Reese Witherspoon has made it into a TV drama due to start in March but I don't know if it will be available to watch in Britain.

  11. Bertie is living the dream. Fat balls, squirrels, good company. What else can a dog need? If you can find the energy, don't give up on "All the light we cannot see". I read a lot and forget a lot of what I read but this one stayed with me. As did "The colour of Bee Larkham's murder". Glad you found out what the course was, it sounds like an interesting course actually, better than anything to do with knights and armour (somehow I never warmed to knights), and probably more useful for your writing, too. Have a lovely week x

  12. Your book pile is most pleasing....and now i have yet more titles to add to my wishlist pile. I think between starboy and myself, we're keeping our library in business.

    Bert is at one with the universe, this much is clear. All the good vibes. xoxo

  13. Do read All the Light You Cannot See, it is wonderful. In fact we were just talking about it at our reading group last night as the only book we have ever read than everyone in the group thought was good. I have a dog who would be in heaven if fat balls and squirrels fell out of trees, but i’m Not going to encourage him by wishing for it!

  14. I suppose we spend years telling our children they can achieve anything they want to so why should this not work for perseverance in waiting for the moment that a piece of fat ball should fall at out feet. Poor Mr Squirrel I bet he got quite a shock when he flew through the air with the greatest of ease.


  15. So Bert has secret powers Bertie Potter?

  16. I am not much of a reader but I am reading little fires everywhere. Have been for a while and I really need to get back into it again or I will have to start again. Love your pooch as always. Jo xxx

  17. Your book pile is most attractive... I hope you add more titles to your wishlist pile. Cool !!! Bert loves the sun so much. My cats would give him a serious stare-down to make him move over for them. Glad the mystery Knight course was cleared up. Have a lovely week. Check out the few wedding photographs

  18. YOur dog has achieved The Power of Positive Thinking!!!!!!!!

    Or..... the weather could have changed, and caused the ball to break into parts...

    Nahhhhhhhhh, HE did IT...!!!!!! -grin-

  19. Oh CJ, that was an impressive daily report!! I loved reading how dog waited for the fat ball to fall and the 4-second shell shocked moment of the squirrel. Beautiful piece of writing!! Keep on writing and present us with excellent reads.

  20. That’s a beautiful doggie you have. Positioned well under the shadows. Its brown shade goes well with the shadow and the floor color. Keep our minds faraway from thoughts that could pull us down.

  21. Lucky squirrel! He could've been easily crushed by the branch. Or worse, it could've fallen on someone. Our last monsoon was packed with heavy rain and gusty winds. I could hardly ride my bike to attend my classes. I finally resorted to walking all the way there and back

  22. Wonderful accomplishments. Wish my hit and miss borders looked so goo. I think my problem is that usually (for me) it is a way to get rid of left over strips so mine looks messy. Yours has a rhythm and consistency which mine never has. Will save a copy of yours as a GOOD example of what hit and miss should look like.

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