Friday 1 February 2019

White and proper

I was going to say that it's a bit chilly, but in the light of how frozen some corners of the world are right now I am trying to man up and not mention the fact that it has gone below freezing. I made the most of the lightly frozen pond this morning by sliding off the ice along with a load of duck weed that I've been wanting to remove. It was the second time I've done it over the past couple of weeks (and probably the first opportunity I've had this winter) and I reckon with one or two more freezes I'll have a good proportion of it off. It really took over last summer and the water didn't get much light at all. There were frogs in the pond already pairing up and getting ready for spawning. I tried not to disturb them too much.

I've found a use for my fancy French soap (brought for me by the French exchange student), keeping it under my knitting so that the knitting smells all delicious, like lemon tree flower and lime tree honey apparently. It's a tip I got from Lucy at Attic 24, although I can't from the life of me find the right post now. And I think she got the tip from someone else. Anyway, it's working beautifully.

Are we all enjoying Brexit? I'm rather disappointed that it is dominating the news when we could be looking at the usual snow-day fare of children toboganning down hills and being generally thrilled about not being at school. I wonder if we would notice any difference if the drama wasn't on the news at all ever and we all just got on with our lives. Maybe the government could just issue a bulletin once a year and let us know how it's all gone. We could listen to audio books instead or just enjoy the quiet calm.

The dog got a massive amount of snow stuck to him in chunky ice balls on his walk this morning and had to be defrosted in the bath. He is curled up tightly now, warming himself up and dreaming of spring. I would like to do the same, but there are ravening hoards to be fed. All well with you?


  1. You have had a lot of snow. We just had a dusting that has new disappeared. Your frogs are being optimistic.

  2. Gosh, you've had loads of snow. I won't show my children – they're very put out that the forecast dump of snow didn't materialise here; we've just had heavy rain... Great tip about the soap and knitting. I wonder if it would work on a dog – Cassie's a bit whiffy! Hope you have a lovely weekend. Sam x

  3. I like the 'Narnia' pictures. There was snow here overnight but has now mostly gone thankfully.
    As for Brexit I truly despair of our government and politicians.
    I'm good thanks, and like Bertie dreaming of spring. xx

  4. I’m soooo envious. Looks very pretty and I would love to be out in it. No doubt I too would need a bath just like Bertie. I’m rationing the excitement ( not) of Brexit by only watching the news occasionally, even that’s too much.
    Dare I say your knitting reminds me of Bertie 😉. Enjoy your winter wonderland. B x

  5. Looks freezing but very beautiful. We're just coming out of a heatwave in NZ which coincided with the childrens first week back at school.

  6. You've got more than us, but it has been snowing heavily for the past few hours here and the empty bits that melted this morning are starting to fill up now. No schools closed here, we were out at 7.25 skidding up the lane in the car on the way to the bus :o) Poppy has been wearing her coat and Ted rolled in FP on our walk this morning- the only bit that wasn't frozen solid, can you believe it!
    I thought your soap was expensive chocolate for a moment. Nice packaging. I do the same with soap here, but not on knitting- I put it in clothes drawers and on paper etc. Brexit is banned in our house . Heartily sick of it. Have a lovely weekend, lovely CJ xx

  7. It looks so pretty, CJ! Wow. I love these photos. I hope you're enjoying it, but please be careful on that ice. I don't have opinions on Brexit, just because I'm tired out with politics at this point, but I hope it works out. Take care and have a good weekend. Enjoy the snow!

  8. Your snow is definitely of the picturesque kind...rather than the savagery of ours. It's warming up today...-17C....positively balmy. I jest.

    Poor Bertie....those snowballs are a menace, aren't they? I'm doing a bit of spring-dreaming myself.

    Brexit barely warrants a mention here...other than to say Things Are Ongoing...whatever that means.

    Stay cosy!! xo

  9. 6 inches of snow here too. We were reminiscing about snow days when the girls were at school and how excited they always were when the school closed. That wonderful moment when we checked online and realised that the uniform could come off and warm tobogganing clothing could go on. Thoroughly fed up with the B word here as well. I think you're right and we'd all be happier ignoring the news and just getting on with life. Your knitting looks lovely by the way. Stay warm. xx

  10. Wow.. you've got more snow than we have here in Oregon USA! They are teasing us with predictions of a few snowflakes this weekend but I'm onto them and don't believe it until I see it with my own eyes. Your snow is quite beautiful. Love the idea of having to defrost your dog in a warm bath. Our new little girl Mocha is bringing us joy. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  11. The one good thing that is coming out of the whole Brexit farce is that MPs are being pushed into Consensual decision making - when everyone is grown up enough to talk civilly to one another and stop being adversarial, then things will start to improve for everyone. I have a dream ...........

  12. Dear CJ, What beautiful images with your heavy dustings of snow. I will try and think cool as we swelter through over 40 degrees here in Oz. I'm just hoping that summer will be over soon (not soon enough) and we can live comfortably through Autumn. We have really sweltered through this summer.

    I love using nice soap to perfume things. As the smell goes, I then use it for washing.

    Poor Bertie. His feet must have been so cold........

    Sick of Brexit news. Hear about it more than we need, despite being so far away from the U.K.

    Thanks for asking, yes all is well in spite of the heat.

    Regards, Robyn

  13. We have not enjoyed quiet calm since #45 was elected, I miss those days of just knowing the news would be okay and we would not hear of more lies and corruption. Anyway, I feel like I am an old lady saying, I remember when....... Enjoy your beautiful snow my friend.

  14. What beautiful snowy pictures! I'm a little envious as the snow has passed us by in this corner of the Fens. I rather like your idea re Brexit. A bulletin when it's all over would be perfect!

  15. Jack's best pal Rudie (he looks just like Bertie) gets covered in snowballs that take ages to melt, must be the poodle hair? Jack is more or less non-stick, which is good because he likes to wallow in mud. We didn't get any snow, just lots of ice, that stuff that sticks on all the leaves etc. It must have a name in English but I can't remember it. I am totally sick of Brexit, if it wasn't for 5 unwilling family members I would relocate to somewhere more friendly. I guess up here, there is at least a faint hope of a second independence referendum. Soap in your knitting - what a great idea. I shall copy you immediately. Have a lovely week. x

  16. Lovely snowy pics, loved your title too! Smiling at the little brown dog with clumps of snow clinging to him. Is this his first snow?xxx

    1. No, we actually had some last year as well. But oh, he was so excited when he first saw it. CJ xx

  17. Everything looks so gracious and serene under its coating of white. I especially like the photo of the dark stream between snowy banks.

    "A bit chilly" was the title of my last blog post - rather tongue in cheek as we had some serious cold weather at the time. :)

    I don't listen to the news as a rule, and I find the world carries on just fine. Your idea of an annual bulletin is a good one.

    The knitting looks lovely - are there slipped stitches in the stockinette-look columns?

    1. No, it's the Yarn Harlot's One Row Handspun Scarf, basically knit two, knit into the back of the next stitch, purl one. Even I can manage that! Well, most of the time anyway, just don't look too closely... CJ xx

  18. CJ - I came here from Teresa's blog and I am hooked. I just love your writing style and your photos!
    Thank you for putting a smile on my face! I'm going right now to add you to my blog list.

  19. I so agree about Brexit and the news. I just want to get on with life and forget all about it. There is so much doom and gloom... at least I can hide away and read lovely blog posts!

  20. I love the photos of B with the snowsicles attached. hehe. As for politics, I am amazed how I can be so burnt out and inflamed at the same time. I wish I wasn't. I wish I was less reactive... I'm working on it.

  21. I love winter scenery. However, the thought of freezing temperatures makes me cling to warm drinks by the fire and soft comfy blankets.

  22. So funny (but lovely) to be looking at your snowy photos when it's so mild today. Gosh your local area is photogenic! I am utterly done with Brexit to the point of not even caring, which is worrying. An annual bulletin is an excellent idea, someone should do that.
