Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Perfect day

glorious mud

far distant waders

some sort of weather event in Wales

After a wild and windy solstice the weather today was glorious. Well, for December anyway. Blue skies (some of the time) and hardly any rain. I took the boys back to the river.

When I was little people would always be complaining about the mud along the Severn Estuary and the Bristol Channel. But it's this wonderful mud together with the huge tidal range that makes the area a unique and important place for wildlife. It's teeming with organisms that attract a vast array of birds and fish. Apparently 100 species of fish and 260 species of birds. Waders and waterfowl are particularly common here. The biggest boy saw all sorts today; wigeon, little stint, oystercatchers, dunlin, a purple sandpiper and a couple of Brent geese to name a few.

What may at a glance appear to be acres of unappealing mud is in fact an internationally important site, vital for overwintering birds, and also a Site of Special Scientific Interest amongst other designations. More than 85,000 birds spend the winter on the estuary, and there are many passing migrants as well. The more I learn about the area, the more I love it and am amazed by it.

The middle boy was happy there too, as the tide was coming in and fishermen were about. We found someone who'd caught a dab, and we chatted to them all and picked up a few tips in readiness for him becoming a fisherperson himself.

The littlest boy took his scooter and zoomed around in his usual high energy fashion. He'd been promised a fire on the beach and toasted marshmallows. We lit the fire just as the sun set. The driftwood was fairly damp and took a bit of persuading, but it took in the end, just enough for marshmallow toasting. The best bit of the afternoon was when the tide came in at the end and washed into the fire. Doesn't get much better than that when you're seven and a half. He told me several times that it was one of his best days ever. Me too sweetie, me too.

As we left, lights were on over the other side of the bridge and newly arrived fishermen were settling in for an evening's fishing, hoping for cod I think. If you go a bit deeper than a first glance, this landscape of mud is really rather magical.

While I'm passing I shall take this opportunity of wishing you all an excellent Christmas. I'll see you on the other side. CJ xx


  1. Hey CJ,
    A wonderful post. And a simply wonderful Christmas to you and yours.
    Leanne xx

  2. Beautiful photos - I love the one of the bridge and rainbow. We had blue skies here today too - wasn't it lovely. It sounds like you had an excellent day and I am so impressed with your bird recognition - I'm just off to google a little stint and a dunlin! Merry Christmas, CJ. xx

  3. merry Christmas, may it be magical x

  4. hello claire...such a lovely time to treasure...relaxing and special...the very best holiday wishes to you and yours from my family in the northeast us...take care...sally

  5. It looks like a lovely day together. I wish you all a very merry Christmas!

  6. That does look like the perfect day! Merry Christmas, CJ! Wishing you a wonderful holiday and a happy new year!

  7. You're such a good mum to take the boys out for such an adventure! What fun boys you have.
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  8. It certainly does look like an amazing day, creating some wonderful memories for you all. Wishing you a and yours a great Christmas.

  9. Perfect. I wish you all a happy, happy Christmas CJ. Sam x

  10. Best Christmas wishes to you and your family.

  11. How wonderful CJ. Thank you so much for sharing. I love that your youngest is in shorts. It's my eldest who likes his legs out in December...they are very hairy these days :0)
    I hope you have a happy and fun time this Christmas.
    Jacquie xxx

  12. Lovely post and pictures. I'm sure that a perfect day, and simple pleasures, like this will be long remembered.
    Thanks, and to you too. xx

  13. I would like to say how very much I've enjoyed reading your adventures this year, and to wish you and your family the very best of Christmases with much fun and laughter. God bless you all. Love, Titty. X.

  14. There is lots of mud round these parts and while it's a bit whiffy at low tide, the mud flats make for some enchanting seascapes when the tide goes out. Your day does sound pretty perfect, I have to say. Merry Christmas CJ, I hope it's wonderful. xx

  15. Gorgeous images dear C.J. such a perfect way to spend the day with your family. There is lots of mud in the tidal river nearby it supports many mangroves which shelter breeding fish, many birds as well.
    A fire on the beach at sunset is magical and toasted marshmallows are delicious, so pleased you had a lovely time.
    Wishing you and your family a womderful Christmas!
    xoxoxo ♡

  16. Happy Christmas to you and your family. Who needs Christmas presents when you can have the delights of toasting marshmallows on a fire. I bet it was fun :) B x

  17. Perfect! I feel a little bit the same about the Fens. At first glance, the Fens seem flat and dull, but look more closely and it is a fascinating landscape with a very interesting history and important wildlife areas too. Merry Christmas CJ to you and your lovely family x

  18. That river is a magnificent beast. And good for you for highlighting the environmental importance of mud flats. I loved the fire on the waterside. Have a super day tomorrow my friend. Love to you and yours xx

  19. That sounds like a fabulous day. It really doesn't take much to keep little ones amused, does it? Wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas.

  20. That sounds like the most perfect day. Away from shopping, wrapping and Christmas, just being together in a amazing area.
    Hugs and Merry Christmas,

  21. ~It does indeed look like the perfect day CJ. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. x

  22. Wonderful and magical. I've so enjoyed reading your posts this year CJ. Here's to many more on the other side. Merry Christmas to you and your boys. Sarah x

  23. Merry xmas to you all ,enjoy your posts cj x

  24. Beautiful photos!!! Merry Christmas to you and your family!!

  25. What a wonderful outing CJ - and the tidal water putting out the camp fire really is a fitting ending. It sounds like you have sweet boys - you're a good Mama.

  26. Marshmallows by the sea sound pretty wonderful.

    Your little one and I would have had a good time watching the sea come in.

  27. What an amazing adventure! Your littlest one is very winter hardy, bare legs and all! The more I read about 'your' river, the more I want to experience it myself. I hope you had a cheerful Christmas Day. Enjoy the remaining festive days. xx

  28. Happy Christmas! Great capture of the bridge, thank you for sharing your wonderful day.

  29. As you know I spent most of my childhood further down the Bristol Channel, and my favourite haunt was Kilve, where of course there's little but rock, but the low water mud flats at Berrow and Brean ... I can still hear the bird calls now ... sigh.
