Sunday, 5 January 2020


Well, the whirlwind has passed and now we are on into the good, clean energy of a new year. We went with the incendiary combination of under-the-weather, over-tiredness and board games for much of our indoor entertainment. I bought Catan for the urchins and they loved it, especially the littlest boy, who would play it twenty times a day if he could. The rest of us are slightly less keen. A small amount of television was watched, although as I had the seat behind the Christmas tree I didn't really see any of it.

We marched the dog around the place, much to his delight. At least, I hope it's delight. It's hard to tell what he thinks of walks really. He rushes around checking up on us all and making sure there's nothing scary round the corner, so maybe it's all quite stressful for him. He certainly sleeps well afterwards.

I've managed some garden tidying recently, which has been very satisfying. I did a couple of hours one afternoon while feeling a bit flat and it perked me up no end. And yesterday I tackled the pond, which is one of my least favourite jobs. I fished out leaves, fallen pears, golf balls and all of the pebbles that the dog had rolled to the bottom. Also the basket from the tiny waterlily that died when the pond was overrun with duck weed. So now it is all ready for the mass influx of frogs which is no doubt not far off.

I also did loads of pruning of things. Apples, wisteria, grape vines, the climbing hydrangea, fig trees and box bushes. I've no idea if it's the right time of year, but it's done now. There is a rose blooming believe it or not. In fact I saw a whole bush full of flowers on a dog walk earlier today. It's been a mild winter so far.

I am plunging on into the New Year with all of the optimism as usual, and of course all the anxiety, but let's ignore that. I have lists and goals and dreams and hope. And I am wishing many good and happy things for you all, and contentment, for this year and for the decade. Onwards friends, onwards.


  1. Bravo on all the garden tidying and pond cleaning. I'm impressed! It's cold here so doing gardening right now is not in the cards. I'm with you on hoping things improve this next year. I'm humiliated at the war-starting inhabitant of the white house here. It makes me so furious he's doing that and mostly to deter from that fact that he's been impeached. Heaven help us to get our country back on track next November. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  2. Getting outside is always a positive way to shake off the excesses of Christmas. We are about to embark on creating a pond. Any top tips or definite things we should avoid? I love the thought of you sat behind the Christmas tree, possibly with a book rather than watching the tv. Upwards and onwards definitely. Have a good week. B x

    1. I made the mistake of getting a fairly invasive non-native oxygenating weed which rather took over. I removed it last year and I'm going to get a gentler native variety soon. Position is quite important too. Mine is under trees, so I have to make sure I get any fallen leaves out. And you need to have gentle slopes for the wildlife to climb out if need be, and no fish because they eat the eggs of the wild things, unless of course it's a fishpond. It's a brilliant thing to have, it attracts so much wildlife, I shall look forward to seeing yours take shape. CJ xx

    2. Thanks CJ. I will look out for a non invasive weed. No fish planned :)

  3. Such a lovely post CJ. Thank you for sharing and gardening in January. How lucky. That is something we do not do in southern ontario, canada at this time. I was shoveling snow today and enjoyed it immensely. Being in the fresh, crisp air was my therapy for all that ails. It's the only way to survive and breath........your photos are lovely my dear. Thanks for sharing and best of the new year to you and yours

  4. I'm feeling a bit flat myself, so should take a leaf out of your book and tidy the garden - it certainly needs it but it's too cold and rainy at the moment. Love the photos, especially the garden in the 2nd and 3rd photo - is it yours? Well done on the pond clearing. R keeps talking about having one but, with the river at the bottom, I think we have all the water feature we need. We have a lot of trees too, so I'm not sure where we could site one. Anyway, best wishes for a happy and healthy new year, my friend. Onwards together. xx

    1. Sadly not mine! Oh for a river at the bottom of the garden, the birdwatcher and the fisherboy would be in heaven. CJ xx

  5. I'm sure that Bertie usually likes his walks except, like us, when it's cold and wet. Well done on the gardening, and especially clearing the pond.
    Thanks, and for you too. xx

  6. Thanks CJ I could do with a few happy things at the moment! It's always nice to have a good sort out at the beginning of the year, cleaning the cutlery drawer or disposing of outdated produce and such like.

  7. I admired your neat grass edges, one amongst many I need to tackle here. I also need to clear the pond before the frogs come back, because once the tadpoles arrive it's impossible.


  8. brilliance on the garden-time. Oh, how I long for that day!! The weather has been deceitfully mild thus far and I can't help thinking it's going to change overnight and leave us reeling. *sigh*

    We got Catan for Christmas too! We haven't tried it yet - our new year festivities involved a game of Monopoly instead. :)

    much love to you! xoxoxo

  9. I’m sure Bertie loves his walks! I’m guessing at least two or three months before we hear the frog chorus.

  10. Garden tidying is very satisfying - you're right. I'm looking forward to getting back to the allotment if only it would stop raining! Happy new year CJ. I hope it's a good one for you all x

  11. Hello! First time visiting here. Please share the lists and goals and dreams and hope. Happy new year!

  12. Wonderful accomplishments. Wish my hit and miss borders looked so goo. I think my problem is that usually (for me) it is a way to get rid of left over strips so mine looks messy. Yours has a rhythm and consistency which mine never has. Will save a copy of yours as a GOOD example of what hit and miss should look like.

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