Wednesday, 15 August 2018

The lofty achievements of summer

A fairly random selection of photos from my little camera. It's a busy week this week, but not in a particularly photogenic way, more in a panicky, rushing around sort of a way. Yesterday was good though, a bit of a picnic, some light canoeing, a little sun on our skin, that sort of thing. Although I did find this Memo To Self on my camera afterwards.

The middle boy thought it would be good to canoe in the manner of a gondolier. We had been told that we wouldn't fall in provided we all remained seated. Some challenges are to good to ignore. Happily we didn't fall in, although somehow we were all fairly damp and grubby by the end of it all.

The dog has perfected a new trick which he would like you to know about. It involves leaping high in the air and snatching washing off of the line then running madly around the garden with it, trailing it through the mud and stopping every so often to rip whatever it is to shreds. It gets such a brilliant reaction from the rest of the pack, every single time. He LOVES IT.

He leapt at a passing tractor the other day. I mean really leapt at it. If I hadn't been holding his lead really tightly I don't know what would have happened. I don't know what his plan was, he's not really of a size to take on fully grown tractors. It's obviously something we failed to acclimatise him to in puppyhood. We tried to get him used to everything, but as time has gone on it seems we missed showing him tractors, sleds and those whiny mopeds that schoolboys whizz around on in groups of three or four.

We're around halfway through the summer break now, and as usual I've failed to achieve all my lofty summer goals. I have a list (of course I do) that says things like learn SEO and finish off websites and, oh, all sorts of stuff which I somehow imagined I would manage to magically fit in alongside life.

Things I have done instead: seen crayfish in the stream next to Waitrose (not the native ones which are almost extinct by all accounts, but the big interlopers), got almost all the new school uniform, watched the middle boy fishing, learned what extras and leg-byes are (sort of)(they're cricket things) and started drinking coffee. So you see, I haven't completed wasted my summer. Yourselves? Any achievements you'd care to share?


  1. I'm with you on dogs having overblown ideas about their capacity to take on large vehicles. Poppy (you know how small she is) goes for anything bigger than a van when we're out running. The canoeing looked and sounded lovely. We've got three weeks of holidays left here. A fortnight ago they seemed to be lasting forever, now I feel they're slipping away with the daylight. Naughty Bertie and your washing! X

  2. Oh my god, I loved hearing your voice! You sound a lot like I thought you would, but different too, funnier somehow. How cool to hear you. I can only imagine taking my kids canoeing, there would have to be an ambulance waiting at the river bank just in case. You're a brave woman! Our dog's absolute nemesis was the UPS delivery truck. He barked like crazy when it came to our house. But he was against all of them. He once saw a random UPS truck out on a walk somewhere, nowhere near home, and completely lost his mind barking and snarling at it like they were mortal enemies. He's been dead for six years and we still laugh about it regularly.

  3. An enjoyable post and good pictures as always. I couldn't help smiling at Bertie's behaviour. xx

  4. Oh my, I can't think of a single thing I've achieved this summer. I just keep adding stuff to my ever growing list. Naughty Bertie... I can imagine the sort of reaction his washing line trick would provoke!

  5. Loved the memo to self. Oh how many times have I said similar things. Oh naughty Bertie, just as well he’s totally adorable so forgiveness comes easily. Sounds like you’ve done oodles this summer and you are a master of cricket. We managed a family bike ride today. It’s been on the list of to do for so long. Although my middle son got a bit carried away with the distance ideal for sixty year olds. I may not be able to get out of bed tomorrow. Keep enjoying summer and hanging on to Bertie. B x

  6. I think going in a canoe is very brave. I’d be way out of my comfort zone.

  7. I love your Memo to Self. Brilliant! We love getting out on the water in the kayaks but sadly it's been a little while. The weather's starting to warm up so I may have to start making some plans. It sounds like Bertie's been having lots of fun with his new game. I'm so glad our Patch hasn't discovered that trick yet... xx Susan

  8. Sounds like Bertie is causing mayhem - but oh! he is so adorable to look at. And there is always fun to be had on a river!

  9. That naughty little dog! I bet he knows exactly that is he is doing something he is not allowed to do. I hope he didn't chew up your Sunday best. You can't think of everything when getting the puppy used to life in a human world. Jack has a profound dislike for mobility scooters, which is a bit embarrassing. No tractors in the city but these would probably also fall in the category of "do not like".

    I enjoyed watching the memo to yourself, you actually look like you are rather enjoying yourself on the rocking boat! It is nice to hear your voice, too. I just posted a video of myself for my new students. I meant to record a pleasant welcoming message but I come across as maniacal middle aged woman with a weird accent and a terrifying grin... I think I may not record a memo to myself anytime soon. Have a lovely weekend when it comes. xx

  10. That furry little guy of yours is quite the talent. Now, if he could grab the laundry without drooling on it, place it in the basket, perhaps fold it...well, you have one big help!

    The school vacay isn't over yet??? Our schools open within the first two weeks of August. When I was a a young elementary student, we didn't go back until September. Such a short summer for us.

    So this is a kayak your son is on? Or canoe? Looks so fun! Takes some strength. Love your pic, you have that curly hair like I do! One tiny bit of humidity and it does its own thing! Just have to roll with it and put it all up in a bun! lol!


  11. Ziggy prefers the challenge of the peg bag, ripping to shreds the one I made recently and chewing the wooden coat hanger inside.

    My summer goals include conquering (momentarily) the washing and ironing mountain and putting back on all the weight I lost during the summer term.

  12. Dear CJ, loved hearing from you. Have just done a silent memo to myself. What were you thinking of Robyn with those long hours of travelling to Scotland from Oz? 36 hours of travelling with 14 hours of violent vomiting and diarrhoea on the Singapore to London leg? Some people never learn...... Arrived yesterday. Oh how naughty is your darling dog Bertie? Teenage years for him will soon be over.... regards, Robyn

  13. Happy days you will never forget!

  14. New roof and new grandson. Neither strictly achieved by me personally but you know. Take what you can.
    I never get spam like that. What am I doing wrong?

  15. Oh my.. your fur kid might need to stay on a lead forever. We can't let ours off or he'll take off after a rabbit across the country road in front of our house and be squished. We just got home from the lake and have lots to put away. Loved your memo!! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  16. You have achieved so much I like the phrase 'light canoeing'! There is always next summer... Jo x

  17. I love that video! It will make you all laugh for years I think.
