Life and death in the garden. The blue tits have fledged - the top-but-one photo was one of the parents taking food to them shortly before they left. The bottom two photos are a crab spider on a rose. They like to lurk on the white flowers, blending in, waiting, waiting. The bee was quite dead. I don't like to see it, but you know, nature etc. etc. Crab spiders have babies too.
I am easing the family into vegetarianism. No-one has noticed yet. Mostly because there wasn't much meat anyway. Partly I suspect because they just shovel it in whilst wondering what's coming next. If you lag behind when you eat in this house, people start eyeing up what's on your plate.
Have you been watching the coverage of Chelsea Flower Show? I saw some of it. As usual it made the garden look a bit tatty. I was looking out at it earlier.
Me, sighing: It doesn't look much like Chelsea out there does it?
Biggest boy: No, you need to do more gardening.
Just as soon as I have more time. On the subject of time I have lots of books to read, in case of quiet summer moments waiting for cricket to kick off. There is a ridiculous amount of it at the moment. All very nice so long as the sun is shining. I have a few indie authors in the pile, including some by writers I know. All very inspiring.
I was talking to the other half about a snippet I heard on the radio the other day about when Margaret Thatcher was being pushed out. They played an interview that had been conducted with her much later, in which from memory she said that one particular colleague's betrayal had been like a knife in the heart. Apparently she had gone inside to find Dennis by the fireplace and he'd said, 'Don't go on love.' The other half suggested that maybe Dennis had been trying to read the paper and had said it more in the tone of, 'DON'T GO ON LOVE.' Anyway, Boris Johnstone or Michael Gove? Decisions, decisions. Happily none of them to be made by me. I have enough trouble deciding what to do for tea.
Wishing all an excellent and peaceful weekend, in a beautiful garden if you can find one. I shall be watching cricket and walking the dog.